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Microsoft Office Excel - Advanced Business Modelling Essentials


9.00 AM - 12.00PM 




7 Weeks

Total 21 Learning Hours


SLASSCOM Members -  12,000 LKR*

Non Members - 
15,000 LKR*

*VAT Applicable

This program is structure to develop a unique set of skills within each participant, that would in return train them on automating complex processes using various analysis methods, but in doing so, will also support them to be highly productive in conducting such analysis.

The program also focuses on supporting participants to learn how to cleanse data and create accurate outcomes using the same based on the standard but modern practices used by professionals in the industry.

This program is structured for business or technical users with a general working knowledge of most of the widely used tools in Microsoft Excel applications. Every business user who needs skills to work with advanced tools in Microsoft Excel application and users who handle large data sets can participate in this programme. 

Content Covered:

Meet the instructor

Sumudu Sekarage

Director, Chief Executive Officer 
Infoinvent Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd
Patrick Jones - Course author

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