Mastering ChatGPT-3.5: Advanced Prompt Engineering and API Utilization

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Dive into the world of OpenAI's ChatGPT-3.5 in this comprehensive, hands-on workshop. Explore the power of language models, the art of prompt engineering, and practical usage of the OpenAI Playground and API.

Date - 21 July 2023
- 9.00am to 4.00pm
- Grandbell Hotel Colombo

Whether you're a programmer or an AI enthusiast, this workshop will equip you with the skills to leverage ChatGPT-3.5 effectively in your projects. Join us to harness the power of this transformative AI technology. Prior experience with OpenAI's models is not required, but a basic understanding of Python will be beneficial.

Introduction to Language Models 

A. What is a language model?
B. Importance and applications of language models
C. Overview of OpenAI and its language models

Introduction to OpenAI Models 

A. Overview of different OpenAI models
B. Focus on ChatGPT3.5 and its capabilities
C. Comparison with earlier versions of ChatGPT

Applications/Use Cases of ChatGPT3.5 

A. Real-world applications of ChatGPT3.5
B. Use cases across various industries
C. Success stories and case studies

Using OpenAI Playground 

A. Overview of the OpenAI Playground
B. Demonstrating interactive model usage
C. Understanding the various options and settings

Prompt Engineering 

A. Importance of prompt engineering
B. Strategies for effective prompt engineering
C. Examples of well-crafted prompts for different tasks

Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Prompt Engineering 

A. Common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid
B. Techniques for improving model responses
C. Guidelines for refining prompts based on feedback

Using OpenAI APIs 

A. Introduction to OpenAI API and its features
B. Steps for setting up API access
C. Overview of rate limits and pricing

Practical Example of Using ChatGPT3.5 APIs with Python 

A. Setting up the development environment
B. Authenticating and making API calls
C. Hands-on coding session with a practical example

Q&A and Wrap-up 

A. Addressing participant questions and concerns
B. Summarizing key takeaways
C. Providing additional resources for further learning
Meet the instructor

Amila Perera

Senior Software Architect at Innodata
Patrick Jones - Course author

Maliq Faiz

Senior Software Engineer at Innodata
Patrick Jones - Course author



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