Finance for Project Managers

Elevate Your Career with Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 
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Meet the TRAINER

Piyal Hennayake

BSc (Eng)., PG Diploma (Const. Mgt)., MBA (AIT)

Director at Seylan Developments PLC
PFAN Country Coordinator to Sri Lanka at REEEP - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership
Visiting faculty University of Moratuwa & Open University, IBSL, IESL 
Former DGM of HNB & Seylan Bank
Patrick Jones - Course author

Expected Learning Outcomes

Scope in project management is to complete projects in time, quality and cost. Corporate finance investigates financial aspects and viabilities of projects. Finance affects every business decision of a project manager. This course is intended for professionals from non-financial backgrounds to understand the finance function and sharpen financial skills. Fundamentals of corporate finance will provide participants with financial knowledge to cater to market demands and give your career a competitive edge.

Specific learning objectives - 

* Understanding financial statements
* Financial evaluation techniques
* Assessment of return on investment
* Risk analysis
* Funding and financial options

Who is this for?

Project managers who are keen to develop corporate finance skills

Program Content

Introduction to Corporate Finance

Financial Statements

  • The balance sheet
  • The income statement
  • Cash flow statement

First principles of valuation: The time value of money

Net present value and other investment criteria

Making investment decisions

  • Financial analysis and evaluation
  • Evaluating NPV estimates
  • Forecasting risks 
  • Sources of value
  • Scenario analysis
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Break even analysis
  • Operating leverage

Ratio analysis

Risk and return

Cost of capital

Sources of finance

Key performance indicators / Assessment

05 assignments will be given during the course to check participants' absorption of material & concepts.


*SLASSCOM Members - LKR 15,000 + VAT
*Non Members - LKR 18,750 + VAT

Organized by

Corporate Sponsors