Bridge Bootcamp 02: Tech Skills

This program is designed to provide the youth the required understanding about basic software engineering concepts and principles, and the practical skills to meet the industry expectation at the entry level to prepare them for the internships.

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Objectives of the training:
  • To provide the students the industry mindset and the understanding about the professional practice in software engineering.
  • To develop the student’s algorithm design and problem solving skills
  • To build on the student’s introductory programming skills to develop solutions using object oriented programming concepts.
  • To introduce the students the web programming techniques needed to develop a basic real world project from the beginning
  • To prepare the students on interviews for their internships

Main Module Content

Programme Structure:


Lectures and demonstrations – 40
Practical – 44


96 hours – (8 hours/week)
Continuing learning from classes through completing practical tasks to reinforce key skills, directed and undirected reading pre and post lectures.
40 hours – Preparing for and completing coursework assignment

Evaluation Methods

The method of assessment for this program has been designed to test all the learning outcomes. Students must demonstrate successful achievement of these learning outcomes to pass the module.

1) Programming assignment - Web project development and demonstration
Marks allocated: 50%
The objective of the programming assignment evaluation component is to provide the students the opportunity to apply the concept and practical knowledge gained during the course to develop and implement a software system covering all relevant stages in SDLC. This will help the students to enhance the individual skills of analysis, design, development, implementation of a systems in a practical environment.
The assignment is a compulsory component of the module and devoting a substantial amount of time for the project work consistently throughout the module is highly recommended.
The student need to create a video of 15minutes to describe the final project and the implementation.
Finally the student will be evaluated through a 10 minutes demonstration and viva.

2) Continuous evaluation
Pre-Quiz - Basic question paper or a practical work to be completed prior to teaching the content. There will be 10 exercises.
Marks allocated: 20%
After Lesson Exercise– After completing each module a practical exercise should be completed by the students to implement the concepts learnt. There will be 10 exercises.
Marks allocated: 20%

3) Attendance 
arks allocated: 10%